I det daglige beskæftiger tankerne og følelserne sig med de nære og påtrængende hændelser og adspredelser, det møder. Meditation er en forløsning og disciplinering af tankerne og følelserne. Gennem meditation kan den konstante aktivitet bringes til et midlertidigt ophør; fokus for opmærksomhed kan flyttes til højere frekvenser, og ny inspiration og indsigt kan blive følgen; sindets højere evner vil udvikles, og det at livet i sin essens er enhed opleves stadigt klarere. Mennesket lærer at stilne personligheden, og derigennem vil det blive modtagelig for højere inspiration.
Formålet med meditation kan være fred og afspænding. Formålet kan også være at få skabt en bro til Sjælen, at åbne til et samarbejde med de store kærlighedsvæsener, med Gud. Gennem meditationens renselse og stilnen af personligheden bliver det lettere for de åndelige verdeners lys at trænge igennem og opløfte sindet og forvandle mennesket til et stadig mere guddommeligt væsen, fyldt med kærlighed til alle.
For nogle vil meditationen kunne bringe dem ud over sygdomsproblemer, fordi legemets frekvens løftes og de opnår indsigt. Andre vil løftes ud af tungsind og bekymring, nag eller had, fordi den højnede frekvens giver et nyt perspektiv og forløser de negative tanker og følelser. Verden vil kunne ses i et mere afklaret og afslappet perspektiv.
Meditationerne kalder på energien fra vort højeste aspekt, Jeg-Er-Nærværelsen, Kristus-Selvet, vores Sjæl og Ånd. Kun gennem højere energi kan personligheden renses og forvandles.
Meditationerne i Shan, et Teosofisk Meditationssystem1) består af påkaldelser, visualiseringer og bekræftelser, altså kreativ tænkning. De er tilpasset det vestlige menneskes struktur.
Det vestlige menneske er vant til at bruge sindet meget. Meditationerne retter sig derfor mod at give sindet et indhold at løftes igennem og følelserne en energi at forløses med. Derved renses legemet også.
Hvis man arbejder med den østlige meditationsform, kan man sagtens kombinere den med dette teosofiske meditationssystem, idet man kan drage fordel af de passager, der lægger op til at overgive sig til energien. På denne måde indeholder meditationssystemet en balance mellem øst og vest, et billede på den sammensmeltning, der er ved at ske mellem disse to strømninger på kloden.
Læs hele brochuren om Shan, et Teosofisk Meditationssystem, klik her.
Read more about Shan Theosophical Meditation System
Like many people today, you may be interested in exploring meditation. You may wish to improve your ability to relax or to concentrate. You may wish to be able to control your emotions or your thoughts better.
You may also wish to connect with that part of your self which holds true insight and which can act as a source of strength and wisdom.
There are many good reasons for wanting to meditate.
The Shan Theosophical Meditation System consists of a number of meditations which are suitable for beginners and advanced meditators alike.
The invocations and visualisations provide a perfect support for you to build up your relationship with the inner worlds.
As the meditations are designed for the Western mind and lifestyle, they are active and structured and do not require large amounts of time per day.
The meditations in the Shan Theosophical Meditation System are:
- The Flame Meditation
- The Puja (3 versions The Sun Puja, The Maitreya Puja and the Yasodhara Puja)
- The Seventeen Steps to Perfection
These are available from the Maitreya Theosophy website: http://www.maitreyatheosophy.org/.
If you would like to read about meditation, the book ‘Many Forms of Meditation Exist’ has been complied from a lecture and talks given by Ananda Tara Shan. This is also available from the Maitreya Theosophy website.
Ananda has described meditation in the following way:
"In meditation, your lower self and personality consciously seek to connect with your Higher Self and/or your I AM Presence, and you become an alert, awakened human being who is finding him/herself immersed in the ocean of peace and calm." 2)
Below is an excerpt from a talk she gave on the meditation system she has made available to all who are interested:
The Shan Theosophical Meditation System by Ananda Tara Shan:
"... a meditation form is always behind a philosophy. Now the beautiful thing is that all meditation forms create a connection between you and God, between you and Christ or Buddha, an elevated being, an office within the Hierarchy. And it creates, of course, the most important thing, it connects Soul contact.
But some meditation systems are slow working, and some are more rapid working. And the meditation system that the Hierarchy gave me in the early years is a meditation system that works rapidly.
But people don't understand it because they think it is too simple for that. They don't understand that every sentence used in the 17 Steps to Perfection is a mantra sentence that works in a certain way. Because they are not in Sanskrit, they don't look important enough for certain scholars to be interested. But those scholars, if they did this meditation system for five years, they would actually be connected to higher selves, one of them, in a rapid way we have never seen before.
And why this meditation system has come at this crucial time in Earth's history is because we live in a time when people can actually succeed connecting with Soul, connecting with the Hierarchy, connecting with the inner planes, because everything is moving rapidly on Earth. We are very rapidly being transformed and many, many people on Earth will be going through the Ascension process over the next hundred years.
In order to create this process, in order to start it, the Hierarchy needed certain techniques, old formulas to use, but written in a simple way and having the same effect. And so you get effect nearly immediately. You don't have to wait for ten or twenty years of meditating as we had to in past lives.
We have an immediate effect in this meditation system." 2)
Ananda guided many very beautiful meditations and these were recorded over the years. The texts from these recordings are now becoming available in printed form. As she is so close to the Spiritual Hierarchy, with her words she brings us into direct contact with Them, with Their Light and Their Love.
In these meditations, there is so much teaching about the beauty of the inner worlds of Light and about how to cooperate with the Beings of Light, like the Masters and the Angels, which strive to assist humanity and the Earth.
Feel the healing, both for yourself and for others, which comes with the Light in these meditations.
1) Shan, et Teosofisk Meditationssystem er skrevet af Ananda Tara Shan sammen med nogle af Mestrene fra det Åndelige Hierarki. Rettighederne for meditationssystemet tilhører Teosofisk Fellowship, (c) The Theosophical Fellowship.
2) The words of Ananda Tara Shan is protected by copyright, (c) The Theosophical Fellowship.